We do a really good job of leaving ourselves notes in our practice. If you don’t remember what it is we were waiting for to finish your return during tax season you can call the office at (413) 829-4832 and ask the seasonal tax assistant to go read to you what’s on the routing sheet: it’s where we leave open issues.
But we also usually, almost always, write up the open issues and send them in an email from the info@TeaAnd… mailbox that has a subject line like “needed to finish your 201X tax return”. If you want another copy the fastest way is to email asking us to forward to you.
Sometimes the tax season assistant will try to interpret my handwriting to hilarious effect. It’s all good. We do know what we’re looking for, and you can figure it out, too, one of these two ways. (Because you may know you don’t have any MC statements, but you did need to get me your ML statement.) 🙂
I get tax returns done “in my spare time” when there are cancellations or no-shows, but most of the time I’m scheduled face to face with people and any “backlog time” I schedule often gets taken by emergencies. So if you’re in a hurry for me to finish up – for any reason, it’s fine, you get to be – then the best bet is to call the office and schedule time face to face with me for me to finish the review in front of you for your signature. You sometimes even get a better refund (or owe less) because you’re there for me to pull deductions out of your head! This way I’m focused on you totally and ignore the ringing phone. I also have online scheduling on the home page of this website if you want to schedule with me without having to call.